You know there's more to life. So do we.

Sleepawake is a 4-week residential immersive for 18-30-year-olds looking for transformation, deep connection, and community.

Why do we learn so much about the universe and so little about ourselves?

Sleepawake Camp addresses the neglected dimensions of our lives, orienting us toward a sense of wholeness and authentic happiness through science, psychology, game-play, and ancient wisdom.


A living laboratory for well-being.

Young adult participants will experience the extraordinary potential of their lives, mentored by gifted facilitators in this unique four-week program.

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Come meet the depth of yourself

At Sleepawake, the journey of personal evolution and communal thriving begins not with a question of what's lacking, but with an investigation of the potential awaiting to be unlocked. It's not just a camp; it's a crucible for transformation, designed for those who want more than material achievements – those who want to enrich their depth of joy, freedom, and embodiment. Sleepawake stands as a beacon for a new way of living, grounded in a profound connection to the facets of life that matter most.

Here, we venture into the landscape of human flourishing, embracing every dimension of adult human being. From cultivating authenticity to honing nervous system regulation in difficult situations, from mastering the art of metacognition to celebrating our unique creative voice, our curriculum is a manifesto for a life lived fully. Leveraging the transformative power of community, we redefine what it means to harness our desires, find joyful sanctuary in our bodies, and thrive in ways previously unimagined.

This is where the social revolution of human thriving begins – with you, the individual, planting seeds for a forest of change. At Sleepawake, we challenge you: How do you want to show up in this world? What vision do you hold for yourself and the society you wish to live in? If the idea of living your full life in deep alignment sounds daunting, what could you do with an entire month this summer dedicated to building that life?

At Sleepawake, we believe that igniting your full potential is easier and more fun with a community that is equally empowered. Join us as we move beyond the illusion of separation, to unfold together into lives of deep connection with ourselves and others.

Jeff Lieberman and Cat Tweedie

Who's behind Sleepawake?

Experts in everything you never learned in class.

Jeff & Cat, Founders

Every one of your emotions is intelligent. Your body is sending a vast set of signals about your experience and what you want. Your superpower is learning how to read and respond to them.
Catherine Tweedie, CEO

Ready to come alive?

Schedule a call

A 30-minute transformation call.
Seriously. Just meet our staff.

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Take a chance and see what happens.